I just went out there and performed sexual favors. Six hundred and thirty-four blow jobs in five days... I'm really quite tired...太TM带感的女的了羞羞的游戏简直是完全没教养的女王啊……They’re called boobs, Ed.
嗯三星都是为了Julie Delpy / 现在看来父权意味过于强烈到不适羞羞的游戏尤其是摄像机录下的性爱片段(剪辑还特地放在揭露真相之后) / 纯粹从爱而谈的话特别喜欢他们在酒店外面吃早餐的这一段Sabeth穿着蓝色裙子把他的帽子摘下戴在自己头上灵动调皮的样子 / what I enjoyed the most was her joy / You do love me, I can see it in your eyes. Why are you trying to stop it? / Julie的脆弱感太美了哭的好令人心碎最后的陨落也太令人唏嘘